“Dear Ignacio,Welcome to this room. To leave, you'll need a key. but I lost it somwhere in this room look for it yo get out it is already night and i have left, i will come back in the morning with your pay. Be carefullSincerely,Maria Ines de santisima trinidad”
Find the key it is in this room
Answer the question to find the key
Answer the question to find the key
Answer the question to find the key
You have found the key
When you go out you star hearing noises
You decide to go look from where the noise comes from
Answer the question to examinate the room
You go in and dont find nothing
When you go out you hear another sound
You go check it out
Answer the question to examinate the room
You go in and dont find nothing
When you go out you hear another sound
You go check it out
The noises become louder you decide to go in
The noises become louder
Something weird starts to happen and the lights become brighter
The room is empty but has some strange candles in it
A demon appeers in front of you
And thats when you see an open door you decide to go in
You try and look for a place to hide
You hide under a table
The monster is close you have to stay hidden
Answer the question right to stay hidden
Answer the question to stay hidden
Answer the question to stay hidden
You have passed the night
The nun enters the room
She tells you: "Oh I see you lasted the night" as she pays you the money you agreed on