Paypal Smart Connect Credit: A Good Choice?

Smart Connect is PayPal’s new service that extends you credit to fund your PayPal account. With Smart Connect, you can enjoy low monthly payments on PayPal purchases as well as occasional financing promotions.

You may be asking: How does the service differ from a regular credit card? Is it worth it to apply?

Read on to find out more about PayPal Smart Connect credit and the benefits it offers.

Features & Benefits

How Smart Connect Compares to a Credit Card

PayPal’s Smart Connect service only extends you credit to fund payments to other PayPal accounts or to make purchases on websites that accept PayPal payments.

It cannot be used for cash advances, on websites that don’t accept Smart Connect or to recover a negative balance on your PayPal account. There is also no rewards program through PayPal Smart Connect, or any other benefits you get from credit cards today, such as travel insurance or extended warranties.

You can’t use your PayPal Smart Connect credit in-store, either. Still, it offers a good way to finance PayPal purchases, whether you’re shopping through eBay or buying toys through Just remember the very high interest rate and make sure your balance is paid quickly.

Final Thoughts — Should You Apply?

PayPal Smart Connect is not a credit card and instead offers you a way to increase your purchase power online and enjoy low monthly payments on purchases through eBay and other merchants that accept PayPal.