Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul
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Consumer Protection
- Consumer Alerts, Warnings and Recalls
- Auto Buying, Financing, and Repair
- Charitable Giving for Donors and Organizations
- Finance and Credit Concerns
- Health Care Issues and Advocacy
- Home Repair Fraud
- Identity Theft: Report It. Restore It
- Public Utilities
- Student Loans and Debt Assistance
- Resources for Businesses
Honest and Open Government
- Public Integrity and Corruption Investigations
- Medicaid Fraud and Elderly Abuse
- Public Access Counselor
- Filing a Freedom of Information Act for OAG records
- Ethics in the OAG
- Inspector General
Preserving the Environment
- Environmental Enforcement Division
- Investigating and Prosecuting Environmental Crimes
- Fighting for Environmental Justice
- Agriculture
Rights of the People
- Civil Rights
- Disability Rights
- Military and Veterans Rights
- Senior Advocacy
- Women's Issues
- Workplace Rights
Safer Communities
- Safeguarding Children
- Preventing Violence and Promoting Public Safety
- Supporting Victims of Crime
- Responding to Sexual Assault
- Resources for Law Enforcement
Supporting Victims of Crime
Violent Crime Victim Assistance (VCVA)
Mission Statement
The Violent Crime Victim Assistance (VCVA) Bureau is dedicated to:
- developing and improving activities and services that promote the recognition of rights, needs, and interests of crime victims in Illinois
- providing victims access to programs that supply needed information, assistance, and advocacy
- educating the public about victim services; and ensuring that grantee agencies provide quality services
VCVA Overview and History
Any public or private not-for-profit agency may apply to the Attorney General for selection as a Victim/Witness Assistance Center under the law. To be eligible for funding, each applicant must provide one or more of the 11 designated services to violent crime victims.
This program is financed by a special State Treasury fund - the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund. Since January 1, 1984, any person in Illinois convicted of a crime of violence, any other felony or misdemeanor, or certain other offenses listed in the Illinois Vehicle Code, will be assessed a fine. These fines are deposited in the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund, which finances crime victim services throughout the state.
Grant Recipient Reporting
- Quarterly Personnel Time Report - Updated
- Funded Personnel Change
- Funded Personnel Vacancy
- Change in Program/Fiscal Officer or Agency Address
- Change in CEO
- Quarterly Reporting Instructions
Program Resources
- Program Brochure
- FY24 VCVA Grant Awards
- Illinois Comptroller Payment Search Instructions
- Grant Administrative Rules
- VCVA Statute - 725 ILCS 240/ Violent Crime Victims Assistance Act