Behavior Contract Template

Behavior contracts are effective tools for informing students of their rights and giving them clear expectations when it comes to their conduct. They can be used on a case-by-case basis or across the board. This template makes creating a behavioral contract easier by pre-arranging most, if not all, of the most relevant rights and expectations and allowing you to fill in the individual details as needed.

Student Behavioral Contract

Name of Student: [Student.FirstName] [Student.LastName] ​

Date of Birth:

I know that I have a right to:

be in a supportive and safe learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bigotry while at school;

understand what positive behavior is and what negative behaviors may result in disciplinary actions being taken;

receive counseling from members of the staff in affairs related to my behavior because it affects my education and well-being within the school;

due process in situations where disciplinary action is being applied in response to alleged violations of school regulations for which I may be removed from class or suspended.

These are some of the basic rights that should be included, but feel free to add to these rights as you feel is warranted.

I agree to:

arrive at the school premises on time; appear for each of my classes at the start time, ready to begin work; be prepared with the required materials and homework for all classes; treat all members of the learning community with respect;

resolve conflicts with others peacefully, and avoid fighting both inside or outside of the school or at program sites;

cooperate when a staff member makes a request or gives instructions and receive the direction respectfully and peacefully, understanding an opportunity to voice concerns about the request will be given at an appropriate time if desired;

respect other people’s property and take responsibility for my personal items;

dress appropriately for school by refraining from wearing suggestive clothing such as skinny tank tops, short-shorts, mini-skirts, or midriffs;

refrain from wearing clothes that have any signs of gang affiliation, such as scarves or bandanas, and refrain from using gang signs, chants, calls, handshakes, or movements;

refrain from using personal possessions that are disruptive such as a cell phone, beeper, or pager in school;

refrain from bringing illegal drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and weapons to school;

share information with school officials that might affect the safety, health, or welfare of the community at the school;

keep my parents/guardians informed about school-related matters and ensure they receive any information sent home by teachers or staff;

follow all rules as laid out in the Discipline Code; behave responsibly by the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

I have received a copy of the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities and Discipline Code, and I fully understand this contract. I agree to act by the rules of behavior.

If you don’t have a Discipline Code or Bill of Student Rights, you can remove the mentions of those documents, but most schools have some documents that are more or less similar, so you could also modify the names as needed.


Parental Acknowledgment

I have received a copy of the Discipline Code and Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities and understand the behavior that is required of my child.

I agree to help my child follow this agreement by:

regularly encouraging my child to be a respectful and peaceful member of the school community; participating in any discussions and decisions concerning my child’s education; attending scheduled appointments with school staff;

discussing the contents of the Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Discipline Code with my child;

alerting the school if there are any significant changes in my child’s health or well-being that affect his/her ability to perform as expected in school.

providing the school with current telephone numbers and emergency contact information; MM / DD / YYYY

Behavior Contract

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Useful resources


How do you write a behavioral contract?

Behavioral contracts should be crystal clear concerning the expectations for the student. Students must fully understand what’s expected from them and what their basic rights are, so be sure to spell everything out in simple, positive language. Be specific about the expectations of the school when it comes to their behavior. Use a template like this one to expedite the writing process, and make sure you cover all of your bases.

What is a behavior contract?

A behavior contract is a written agreement that a teacher or school provides for a student to sign. The contract outlines what is expected of the student during their time at the school and what their basic rights are. Sometimes they include potential rewards the student can earn by behaving well.

What are the disadvantages of behavioral contracting?

Behavioral contracts can have disadvantages, like causing the bad behavior they’re intended to prevent. Some people think that behavioral contracts label kids as “problem children” and reinforce the problem. The enforcement of behavioral contracts can also be difficult since they typically involve the parents, and this can be challenging. Finally, systems like this can have short-lived results rather than addressing the underlying problem.

What are the three main components of a behavior contract?

Behavior contracts include three main components: rights, agreements, and parental acknowledgment. Some contracts include a reward component or a method for recording behavior, but these are optional.

How long does an acceptable behavior contract last?

Acceptable behavior contracts typically last for a minimum of six months, but they can also last for an entire school year or even multiple school years. It’s common to review behavior contracts every three months or so to make sure they still meet the intended purpose. If not, then they can be adjusted, and a new contract can be signed.


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